Mondo Dall'Era

Mondo Dall'Era

17 set 2021

Course for specialized technicians kicks off

The course, which will open in the coming days, will train technicians to work on advanced automation systems applied to the steel, metal and mechanical industries.

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Course for specialized technicians kicks off

Skilled technicians are an indispensable resource for manufacturing companies in Brescia, and Dall'Era Valerio is no exception. This is why the company has given full support to an exclusive school training project. A vocational course strongly desired by major Brescian institutions and some companies grappling with a marked growth in demand in international markets. In fact, thanks to a decisive recovery of exports in 2021, there are many industrial realities like ours that are recovering pre-pandemic production volumes.

The institutions involved in the initiative

The institutions involved in the initiative range from the AIB Foundation to Confindustria Brescia, from the Comunità Montana Valle Sabbia to the University of Brescia. In particular, the latter, through the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, represents the cutting edge of top-level schooling for the local industrial fabric. Partners also include IIS G. Perlasca and Cassa Rurale Adamello Giudicarie Valsabbia Paganella.

The goal is to have skilled technicians for mechanics, metallurgy and steelmaking

Registration for the course is required by Oct. 10 for a limited number of places. The goal to be achieved is the formation of a class of 24 students highly motivated to become the flagship of the mechanical, metallurgical and steel industry in the Brescia area. A totally free course thanks precisely to the many companies involved, including Dall'Era Valerio, and institutions in the area. The course of study is aimed at young students for a commitment of 1,000 hours. Once successfully completed, we will have state-of-the-art technicians able to work on advanced automation systems applied to the steel, metallurgical and mechanical industries.

A course for specialized technicians totally free of charge

The course to become skilled technicians is totally free for students. In addition, attendance facilities are also provided, such as 50 percent reimbursement of public transportation costs, a tablet for each student and meal vouchers. Finally, among the unique pluses of the course is a monthly scholarship exclusively for girls. Locations for the training courses will be IIS G. Perlasca in Vobarno and the former Power Plant in Barghe, in addition to the involvement of some companies. Applications must be received by Oct. 10.

For interested students, information can be found at or by contacting Claudia Cacciatore, 030/2786990, email
